Leading Together: Foundations of Collaborative Leadership for the Classroom
ISBN: 978-1-885473-79-0
SIZE: 8.5 x 11
“Part of the genius of collaborative leadership lies in its faith in the wisdom and judgment of the group as a whole. The secret is to create an environment that encourages all to participate, to be mindful of one’s role as a group member, and to remember that learning about collaborative leadership is a process of never-ending growth.”
Here is a curriculum for teaching the possibilities of leadership embedded in colaboration. Students learn how the strengths of relationships—the power of people working together—can make change, achieve goals, and help them meet the challenges they face. If you want to join others in leading differently—if you wish to learn the fundamentals for getting something done, this book is for you!
Leading Together provides a thorough and straightforward foundation for teaching the roles and responsibilities of collaborative leadership in the classroom, grades 8 – 12. Teachers will find concrete ways to directly address and focuses on these complex skills as they move through the lessons contained in this book. The exercises, readings, and activities are intended not only to be completed, but also to be reflected upon. Many students of leadership behavior have noted that the best way to develop leadership skills and values is to reflect on one’s own experience. That is certainly true of this curriculum on collaborative leadership.
Table of Contents
Comparisons Between Traditional and Collaborative Leadership Behaviors
Thinking It Over: The Role of Reflection
Roles and Responsibilities of Collaborative Leaders
Unit 1: What is Collaboration?
Develop Group Cohesion
Recognize Diversity Within the Group
Differentiate Between Cooperation and Collaboration
Use a Variety of Skills and Tools for Collaboration
Apply Collaborative Skills
Unit 2: What is Leadership?
Creating Community
Compose a Personal Definition of Leadership
Compare and Contrast the Notions That Leaders are Born and/or Made
Explore Different Views of Leadership
Analyze the Roles of Risk Taking and Long-Term Vision When Leading
Construct a Vision of an Ideal Leader
Unit 3: What is Collaborative Leadership?
Continue to Intentionally Build and Maintain a Safe Working Environment
Assess Personal Collaborative Leadership Values
Use Collaborative Leadership Qualities and Values
Practice Effective Use of Collaborative
Leadership Core Values and Qualities
Appendix A: Activities
Appendix B: Journal Questions
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SKU: 9781885473790
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